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Browser & Plugin Detection

Everything about your Browser

Plugins help your browser perform specific functions like viewing special graphic formats or playing multimedia files. Plugins are slightly different from extensions, which modify or add to existing functionality.

Browser Detection

Browser Details
Referer IP address:
Visitor IP address:
Visitor IP port: 33854
Visitor User-Agent: CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)

Flash Plugin

Windows Media Player Plugin

Silverlight Plugin

Plugin Details

This is your list with installed plugins with the same information as when you type: about:plugins in your address bar.


Your Navigator MIME types

A MIME type is a identifier for file formats on the Internet. The identifiers were originally defined in RFC 2046 for use in e-mail sent through SMTP, but their use has expanded to other protocols such as HTTP, RTP and SIP.

Typicaly for a browser, the MIME types show the various media types which your browser can handle.